Energizing lives, restoring health and vitality – joyful smiling woman throwing her arms wide and high in a shower of confetti

Does this sound familiar?

  • You wake up more tired than when you went to bed…
  • There is a lot you want to do…and you don’t have the energy to move forward…
  • You have “brain fog”…and you can’t see or think clearly…(don’t worry…misplacing things is perfectly normal!).

AND do you and your snooze button have a love affair every morning (don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone).

Sound good?  When you work with me here is what happens:

  • You sleep better.
  • You have more focus (and maybe stop misplacing things).
  • You’re able to do what you REALLY want to do with all of the energy you need…instead of pushing your old friend the snooze button.

Here is what our clients are saying:

Authentic and always present.

Cherry has been a nationally certified holistic nurse for a long time. She brings expertise, knowledge, and skills to her work. She embraces the whole person and takes the time to really listen to your concerns and help you address those needs that are most important to you. Cherry is authentic and always present when interacting with others and people are in very good hands if you decide to work with her.


Helped to decrease my insomnia and fatigue.

Working with Cherry and doing NES health treatments and taking infoceuticals since 2018 has really helped me with both my autoimmune conditions and mental health. Cherry’s treatments and sleep infoceuticals helped to decrease my insomnia and decrease morning adrenal fatigue. Cherry is an excellent listener, and trusts her patients when they explain their symptoms to her and what they are feeling. She is a true expert in NES Health bioenergetic treatments, and I feel very lucky to be her client!


Beautiful healing energy and presence.

I’ll always be grateful to have had your beautiful healing energy and presence accompany me on my healing journey with lymphoma…your supportive presence always was so encouraging and reinforcing confidence in my decision to do it alternatively.


We have not been sick in four years.

My husband and I have been following the NES program since June of 2018. When it was presented to us, we had never heard of it and had no idea how it worked. My understanding is that we all have magnetic fields in our body and if they get out of whack and aren’t aligned, our body reacts. Other than COVID, we have not been sick in four years. Who would have thought a few little drops in water every day would keep the doctor away. And, I thought it was an apple!

P. Clapp

Want to learn how to live your best life for the rest of your life? 

Our seven-week Vitality Boost Program gets you the results you want with the tools and support you need to stay accountable.  We all know what we “should” be doing.  The secret to succeeding is understanding HOW to make it happen.

During our seven weeks together you will receive:

  • A customized roadmap (we don’t believe in one solution for all) outlining step by step how to experience real change in your energy, focus and sleep..after all theories are great, results are better!
  • A weekly information packed session filled with the tools and strategies you need PLUS implementation support to make it happen.
  • The benefit of being part of a community of like minded people to share ideas and support.

Ready to get started?

Sign Up for a 15-minute Strategic Energy session

I’ll give you 3 top level recommendations you can do right away and we can see if the Vitality Boost program is a good fit.